Work Productivity and Time Management for Business

The guide for professionals and SMEs to the optimization of work productivity, from the management techniques of business objectives to the organization of time to the management of priorities.

An efficient production process, whether it is the work of a single professional or a company of several people, remains linked to some crucial aspects:
  • identification and management of priorities,
  • work organization,
  • time and resource management,
  • compliance with deadlines
With the JCPenney Associate kiosk, the employees of JCP can easily manage their work schedules and shift timings using the Jcpenney JTIME application from the JCP associates dashboard.

work productivity & time management

Knowing how to master each of these points will allow you to define precise and measurable objectives, organize your and your resources' agenda, proceed with the order and deliver the work on time, significantly improving work productivity.

In recent decades, various methods for optimizing productivity have been developed. On paper, they are all effective, but each of us will probably be better off with one system than another. In some cases it is also possible to combine different methods, taking from each the ideas that best suit our business and our personality.

Some techniques are based on the senses such as sight or touch: blackboards, Post-It notes, and checklists, but also timing or scheduling systems like JCP Jaime (i.e. a simple timer, a clock, or a calendar circled with an expiration date) are the most used tools.

Other methods, on the other hand, are more linked to abstraction, to the capacity for imagination and mental organization.

As a result, for those who prefer to think through mental schemes, the sight of a simple hourglass can arouse anxiety and even become a cause of distraction, or a more practical spirit lacks the ground under their feet if they do not have a physical perception of what has been. done and has yet to do.

All that remains is to try, and who knows that after a little practice you will not be able to develop your very personal, infallible technique to optimize your productivity, obtain better results, and better manage your time at work, and in everyday life.

Here are our tips to get organized and increase productivity:

1. Time management

2. Priority management

3. Organization of work

Time management: methods

Time is precious but limited to 24 hours a day. Knowing how to manage your time allows you to take advantage of the hours dedicated to your work in the most productive way, allowing you to have time for your life, your passions, and your loved ones. In practice, it can make the difference between working to live and living to work. In this case, rather than methods, we are talking about useful tips, and small easily applicable techniques, which however involve rigour and dedication. After a while, you won't be able to do without them, and they will become so normal that you use them almost without realizing it.

Tomato technique

Timing is essential, but it can also cause stress. By eliminating distractions and increasing your ability to concentrate, you will surely get better results with less effort.


Ideal for those who have a tendency to procrastinate or are subject to frequent interruptions in their work environment, but also for those managers who have to manage different groups. of work. We assign an exclusive time interval to each activity and then move on to something else.

Agile methodology

Sometimes the goal to be achieved is clear, but not the steps necessary for its accomplishment. Here is a way to break down complex projects by assigning different deadlines and planning a general timeline.

To-Do and Don't List

Sometimes it is some of our habits that affect our productivity. Learn to recognize the situations that favour your productivity and those that hinder it, avoiding the actions that make you waste precious time.

Well, you've probably already identified some aspects in which you recognize yourself at this point.

You just have to follow us in our Guide to learn more about the techniques and methods to improve your productivity and your results.

Management of priorities: methods

Distinguishing between importance and urgency is the first step to better organising one's priorities, thus avoiding spending time and resources on peripheral or marginal activities, and losing sight of the most important objectives.

Moscow Method - Must, Should, Could, Want

It serves to organize tasks according to their urgency, highlighting what is really critical and what is not, and creating a to-do list. After completing the most critical tasks, you move on to the next ones.

Eisenhower or Covey matrix

Also, in this case, it is a question of defining urgencies and attributing a degree of importance to each activity, using a graphic scheme. The activities will be divided into four groups: important urgent, important not urgent, urgent not important, not urgent, and not important.

Organization of work: methods

Multitasking is Evil. We start with this assumption. Each individual activity must be carried out on its own, solved, and then moved on to the next activity. Organizing your work means adopting a certain strategy, having in mind what the phases of the work process are, to avoid the bottleneck effect that is obtained when the subsequent phases are blocked by the previous unfinished ones

Kanban method

It is the workflow organization system at the base of the famous Toyota Method. A blackboard or a panel with Post-It notes allow you to view the progress of the various activities in progress, and prevent unfinished projects from accumulating, and organizing the workload.

SMART Method - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-related)

Suitable for those who are about to start a complex project and must develop the right strategy by defining the main objectives and verifying their effective validity, that is, that they are Specific, Measurable, Implementable, Realistic, and in relation to Time.

The Action Method

It serves to move from ideas to facts, putting brainstorming results into practice by creating a to-do list and putting in order the more chaotic aspects of creative work, especially when it is done by multiple people.

GDT Method - Getting Things Done by David Allen

Do you have too much at stake and feel overwhelmed Don't panic, there is a method for that too. Just insert concerns, ideas, and activities into an organized system to address them one step at a time.
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